Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Bacon, Problem Solvers Caucus Urge Leadership to Return to Regular Order


Date: March 29, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Dear Speaker Pelosi and Leader McCarthy:
As Members of the bipartisan House Problem Solvers Caucus, we are united in the idea that there are
commonsense solutions to many of our country's toughest challenges. We are writing to urge a return to
regular order in the House, with full committee consideration of legislation and more open rules on the
House floor.
With narrow majorities in the House and Senate, we need bipartisan support and solutions to get bills
passed in both houses and ultimately signed into law by the President. The best way to do this is by
having a deliberative and open process that promotes transparency and allows members to help shape
legislation through committee hearings, markups, and floor amendments. We should not be afraid to
deliberate and debate.
As you know, in recent weeks, most bills have been fast-tracked to the House floor, bypassing
committees; closed rules have constrained Members' ability to offer amendments and provide valuable
input on issues that impact all our communities. This has created a rushed process with a lack of Member
input and transparency, greatly limiting the potential for success in the Senate, and it is also encouraging
dilatory tactics from some in the minority party. A return to regular order will help end that
approach, ensure the long-term functionality of the institution, and help prevent damage to the House.
We believe a return to regular order can help build the necessary support from both parties to enact
meaningful, bipartisan legislation that creates new possibilities for Americans and addresses many of the
challenges impacting our country. The opportunities are endless if we adhere to a process that reflects the
best for all Americans -- promoting Member input, encouraging collaboration, and championing
